Join us for
Your Best Marriage Now!
Marriage is an adventure that lasts a lifetime. For Valentine's Day 2023, take time out to focus on your marriage. Join us on February 10 and 11, 2023 for this marriage enrichment event. You'll learn how to reconnect with your spouse, keep the connection strong, and how to speak to the heart of your spouse in a way that preserves favor, friendship, and affection through every circumstance and and every phase of marriage.

Decatur, Texas
Join us in Wise County, Texas at Father's House Church, 4827 US Hwy 380, Decatur, TX 76234. You'll receive encouragement, hope, and practical tools to help build and grow your marriage. What a great way to celebrate Valentines Day!.

Here's The Plan
The Your Best Marriage Now event begins Saturday morning and continues through Noon on Sunday. It’s filled with practical information and time with your spouse. Here's the itinerary:
Saturday February 10, 2023
​From 10am - Noon
Doors Open at 9:30am
Catered dinner with your spouse: 6pm - 8pm
$25 per person. Registration Required
(Space is limited)
Sunday February 11, 2023
From 10:30am – Noon
Doors open at 10am

Why Attend?
Because they’re ready to invest in your marriage and move towards oneness. Your Best Marriage Now will help you create love and intimacy in marriage, and and how to sustain it for a lifetime.
Everyone Is Welcome
Timeless relationship principles provide the tools to help all relationships. Since 1994 we have seen hundreds of marriages restored and reconciled. Everyone is welcome including the betrothed, the divorced, the on-the-verge of divorce, and those who are solidly in love.